Nerds on Earth
The best place on Earth for nerds.

7 Reasons Why You Should Cosplay

As a little girl I had a dresser filled with only costumes because I loved dressing up so much. As a young woman I have half a closet filled with my costumes, as some things never change. I always hear that cosplaying is the most nerdy…

Review of Terminator Genisys

In the mid-1980s, director James Cameron did an amazing thing: he took a basic premise, cast a bodybuilder that couldn’t act and made a classic science fiction time travel movie. (Along with Back to the Future and Timecop, it is the holy…

7 Technology Based Marvel Characters

One of the great things about comics books the allowance it creates for impressively wild and fantastical displays of future technology. And comic book technology isn't just little doohickey gadgets with the beeping and the blooping and…

Captain America: The Hero We Need

Happy 4th of July everyone!  On this day every year we take time to put aside our cares and celebrate the things that make us proud to be Americans: Hot dogs, apple pie, and blowing things up. #Merica So which Super hero is better to…
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