Welcome back to MSF Mondays! Each week we break down one more aspect of the hottest mobile game, Marvel Strike Force!
This week we have been introduced to the newest game reward method, STRIKE PASS. STRIKE PASS plays a lot like the RTA BATTLE PASS. There are daily objectives which you must complete and collect for the valuable STRIKE currency and those net you rewards though the season rewards. This first run also offers the free to play (FTP) unlock of Silver Surfer.
While there is a lot of controversy around Silver Surfer at the moment, we aren’t going to open that can of worms. Especially since we do have the opportunity to unlock the herald to Galactus without paying. However, even with the STRIKE PASS it will not be so easy.
Marvel Strike Force Battle Pass
Unlike BATTLE PASS there is not much wiggle room to skip certain objectives. Boilon has put together a great video breaking down the STRIKE PASS. We will break down the keys to achieving the STRIKE PASS full rewards, especially for the 50 Silver Surfer shards for this maiden voyage.
The daily objectives net you 310 points, and over the course of the season that adds up to 8680 points. For the 28 day season, you need to bring in 8250 points to claim all the rewards offered. That leaves a difference of 430 points. There are a few daily objectives that net 30 points, but most are for 10 points. Most of the objectives are things you likely already are doing daily, or you certainly should be.
Battle Pass: Role of Alliance
Boilon also points out that most also require an active alliance. The STRIKE PASS builds upon the already in game daily objectives such as complete 2 raid attacks, and adds another objective of 8 raid attacks. If your alliance does not have raids going daily, then you may need to find a new alliance if you intend to complete the STRIKE PASS each season.
One of the more unique objectives is the requirement to fuse an ISO 8. This took me back to my days as an early player with the gear and level up objectives. Those go away some time around level 70 if memory serves me correct. You will need to curb your ISO applications for this object so that you won’t have to put too high of an ISO on an undeserving character.
When ISO 8 was introduced there were warnings to not throw too much ISO too quickly on characters, and for those players who heed this warning you will be set for this objective. I have taken this first week of STRIKE to finish leveling up Thanos, and will work on other players who will be well suited for high ISOs.
Marvel Force Force: The Key to Battle Pass
The key for STRIKE PASS will be logging in daily. EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. You absolutely cannot skip more than one whole day. If you do skip a day, there is no wiggle room whatsoever which is likely right where Scopley wants us.
I, for one, am all-in on the first round as it will unlock Silver Surfer, but one must wonder, how sustainable will this daily objective grind be. Perhaps this will become the preferred release method. However, I have a feeling that if the character is not a 2-star unlock that the player base might grow disgruntled over this being the release method going forwards. Hiding toons behind paywalls is what effectively killed Future Force, so let’s hope Scopley took notes and does not make that mistake!
Well I hope this helps you take your Squad from a D+ to a B- Commander!
Game Radar
Blitz: Break out those dartboards because Monday’s Blitz is Bullseye! On Thursday, carnage ensues with…Carnage!
Current Events: The Anniversary event is finally coming to a close, but you should have a couple extra days to spend any extra Cosmic Essence you have lying around.
Upcoming Legendary: This week we are getting both Doc Ock and Magneto! You will need X-Force for Doc Ock and and 5 X-Men or Brotherhood members for Magneto. Both of these Legendary toons are exciting to have, so best of luck in the coming week!
- Black Bolt: April 27th, August 17th, December 7th (Requires Asgardians 5-star)
- Shuri: May 11th, August 31st (Requires Spider-verse 5-star)
- Ebony Maw: May 25th, September 14th (Requires Inhumans 5-star with Black Bolt)
- Phoenix: June 8th, September 28th (Requires Mystic Villain Controller 6-star)
- Star-Lord: June 22nd, October 12th (Requires Guardians or Ravagers 5-star)
- Nick Fury: July 20th, November 11th (Requires Kree Minions 5-star)
- Magneto: August 3rd, November 23rd (Requires X-Men and/or Brotherhood 5-star)

Previous Installments
- Early Player Tips
- Avoiding Early Player Mistakes
- Understanding Alliances
- Building Wide
- Farming Guide and Seed Theory
- Underrated Characters
- Blitz, please!
- Team Positioning Tips
- Daily Objectives
- WAR, what is it good for?
- Expect a Cold Front
- Swarm to the Next Event
- Why Am I Losing at PvP?
- MSF Terms You Should Know – Part 1
- MSF Terms You Should Know – Part 2
- MSF Terms You Should Know – Part 3
- ISO 8
- Let’s Win This WAR!
- Dark Dimension 1
- Dark Dimension 2
- What to do With Orb Events
- Defending the Defenders
- Astonishing X-Men Announcements
- What to Make of Mojo’s Mayhem Real-Time Arena
- Skip Skillitary
- Fantastic 4…6?
- Avengers: Part 1
- Avengers: Part 2
- Sinister Sixes and Sevens
- Secret Ops Event
- X-Men and X-Women
- How is your AIM?
- Breeze through Real-Time Arena
- The Future of MSF
- The Future of MSF: Part 2
- The Future of MSF: Part 3
- There is a Bad Moon Knight Arisin’
- So You Want to Be a War MVP
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